“the storyteller and grandma”

the john urban production co.

Grandpa would start to tell one of his LONG stories (ha, wonder where I get it from?) and Grandma would bark at him, “Oh, Frank, no one wants to hear that story!”
Then he would tell the long story which often ended with something that was funny to him, but I didn’t get at all…usually because I didn’t really know Dale’s brother’s cousin, Ed who tipped the tractor over in ‘47 or whatever. He would have this great big smile on his face, adjust his toothpick, and then start another story.

“the storyteller and grandma”
© john urban

There’s no “Pinterest Fail” here my friends!

the john urban production co.

There’s no “Pinterest Fail” here my friends!  Thanks to the Queen of DIY, Ana White for the idea and plan. Up next, a 4 basket version…crazy, I know! #anawhite

the john urban furniture co.

the john urban production co.

I finally figured out what I want to do when I grow up.
Introducing: the john urban furniture co.

It only took me 3 and a half years to finish this piece.
If you place your order now, I promise to deliver it to you
sometime in or around 2020.